09 January 2014

Day 69: Birds in mythology ~ Lightning Bird

The Lightning bird or Impundulu or Thekwane (or izulu, inyoni yezulu) is a mythological creature in the folklore of the tribes of South Africa including the Pondo, the Zulu and the Xhosa. The impundulu (which translates as "lightningbird") takes the form of a black and white bird, the size of a human, which is said to summon thunder and lightning with its wings and talons. It is a vampiric creature associated with witchcraft, often the servant or familiar of a witch or witch doctor, which attacks the witch's enemies It is said to have an insatiable appetite for blood. Sometimes it takes the form of a beautiful young man who seduces women.

I and my goddamn framing.


  1. Izgleda prilično ljubopitivo za jednu vampirsku ptičicu. :D

  2. To je u biti ova ptičica; manifestacija ptičjeg pikačua http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammerkop
