30 March 2014

Day 149: Mushroom hiža (house)

Sketchbook Project: part two.

Day 127: Magic books and mushrooms

Next weekly theme: CLOTHING
Sketchbook project - part two

Day 126: Nothing today

After an hour and a half of lawn mowing, then carrying heavy burdens from the store and ultimatively - cleaning the house, my hands were sore and shaky and plus I got sick somehow. I even tried yesterday, but it was already past midnight.

29 March 2014

Day 148: So much outer glow

One of those days ;____;

...and final photo for this week: mushrooms!
I had in plan to do some mushrooms, spirit project and I asked my sister to send me some mushrooms photos that she had in stock. Hopefully, I'll do something this summer.

Day 147

Late to party ^^;

28 March 2014

Day 125: Four cat pile-up

The image for tomorrow:

Day 143 - day 147

My fellow Pictomancers,

I know I said I would try to draw more this week. Well, that didn't happen. I honestly didn't even notice the flow of time from Monday till Friday. Last week has been wibbly-wobbly, and this one is timey-wimey, and I expect the next one to just be surreal.
I am sorry for announcing this so late, but I will have to take a slight break from my pictomancer job for a while. Just till I sort everything out and settle in JAPAAAAAN!

....I'll be back. We'll cook some lasagnas on the 7th. ^^

*hugs for everyone*

27 March 2014

Day 146: Petal spirits

~Kodoma inspired spirits. 

I forgot that there was possibility that it will be my turn today and I didn't have any fresh picture prepared so I browsed through my gallery and found one that I think Kaylanna sent me some time ago. So even though she forgot about us, she is here :D

Day 124: The dog ghosts

Theme for today

Due to the circumstances I shall give today's pictomancer task:

25 March 2014

Day 123: The eternal battle

I will defeat the darkness!!

Couldn't take a picture from outside, got too dark.

Day 144: What does the kitty see?

Image for tomorrow.
I forgot to set camera on higher resolution ;____;

23 March 2014

Day 142: Evil character

In next week episode!
Pull out the camera, take a photo of cloud, tree, wires etc. and you'll show us what you see (something like this). Be crueeeejzi! 

Day 121: Evil character

Oh how disgusting...

22 March 2014

Day 141: Fluffy Creature

Day 120: Cute fluffy creature

Theme for tomorrow: Evil character - you don't know which is worse, the looks or the personality.
Greedy, spoiled and selfish this individual brings disgust everywhere it goes. Unfortunately, he/she/it has a powerful artifact that makes him/her/it the ruler of the land...

Day 140: No sad robot

I was drawing hands yesterday and totally forgot that I had to draw the daily theme too. ^^;

The new theme is: Cute fluffy creature.

Also, Sketchbook project: Hands.

21 March 2014

Day 140: Sad Robot


Post from Sketchbook Project; theme Hands

Day 119: Sad robot

Sketchbook project: Hands - part one

20 March 2014

Day 118: Magical being

The similarity to anything that exists is purely coincidential. It reminds me of something, but I can't remember what...

Day 139: Magical being

Keepin' it simple~

Theme for tomorrow: Sad robot. 
He is left, abandoned in some junkyard. He looks scrappy and of course, unhappy because of the fact that he is no longer useful to his owner.
To get more feels, click here.

Day 139: Cute gentle magical being

Ghost cat spring being~ ^^

Day 138: No steampunk character.

Didn't get the chance to draw, I was too tired. ^^;

19 March 2014

Day 138: Steampunk character

Quick doodle, I still have zillion things for work to do.

Day 117: Steampunk character

Pretty hard, my mind was blank.
Tomorrow's task:
Cute gentle magical being, carries a lamp or a light of some kind because it is only active at nightime. 

18 March 2014

Day 137: Character creation

Tailor sprite~ 

Day 137: Character creation

Raingirl: Brings rain everywhere with her. 

Theme for tomorrow: Steampunk character. Goggles are a must.
(I hope I am doing this right. ^^;)

Day 136

~ recovery process

Day 116: Character creation

I picked this, as I couldn't think of anything else:
 make a wierd individual who fights for its freedom. He/she/it is very funny looking, but very sad character as itself

And update for Aye Aye:
I'm not sure if it is cute or freakish.

Day 136: No Lasagna Monday

Ungh. I was exhausted. Still didn't manage to get some proper sleep.

Day 135: Nothing

Afterparteh. ^^;

Day 134: No aye aye


17 March 2014

Day 135

...I'm totally lost now.

Gonna try to draw animals nex week.

Day 134

~ away

Day 133

~ away

Day 116: Lasagna Monday - Step 1

Happy Spring Tree!

Day 115: Nothing

Next weekly theme: CHARACTER CREATION
- The Pictomancer who is in turn gives a short description of a character.
- Create a character using your own imagination following the short desctiption given.
-  Dunno what else to write...

Well, i.e. I say - make a wierd individual who fights for its freedom. He/she/it is very funny looking, but very sad character as itself. 
You can be more specific and say - create an old wise female kobold with long curly hair and winter clothing with many accessories on it. Has a huge snake over the shoulder.

You decide.

Day 114: Aye aye

No Aye Aye.

14 March 2014

Day 133: Elk

Panda elk. xD

Day 132: No panda

Nooooo, didn't manage to draw today. ^^;

Day 113: Elk

Day 132: Panda

A wild virus appears!
Sick - I've spent the afternoon and evening dying.

I'll probably go on trip today (I'm off whole weekend and Monday), so if I don't mange to post today, the theme for tomorrow is: aye aye

12 March 2014

Day 131: Dumbo Octopus

Doodle. Cold, go awaaaay.

The theme for tomorrow is: PANDA! ^^

Day 131: Dumbo Octopus

Quick cartoony sketch. 

I'm packing part of my things today (I'm moving to seaside) and the table, scanner are in the first round to go. So I'll probably post next two or three weeks photos of daily themes. 

Day 111: Dumbo Octopus

07 March 2014

Day 126: Elemental

Fire elemental drawn under temperature. Ungh. Not really feeling this week.

Theme for tomorrow: Vampire