30 November 2013

Caturday Challenge #3

Hey you gaiz! Welcome to the third Caturday Challenge!

This week’s CC theme is...

                                         RANDOM PEOPLE STALKING

…I mean, drawing. 

I want you to go out, sit in a park, cafe, bus station-or anywhere you want really, and draw a few interesting, random strangers who catch your eye. The drawing style is up to you, anything goes.

Also, try not to get mauled. 

Deadline: 1.12.2013., 23:30
The punishment for not finishing this assignment on time is to stalk and draw strangers for the whole next week.

 Good hunting, and let the Caturday Challenge begin!

Day 28: Moon drops

Song status: 

Day 27: No drawing day again

Must. Stahp. This!

Chocolate count: 4

Post 28: Furry one.


29 November 2013

Day 11: Nothing today

Sorry, I didn't feel well this week.

Day 27: doodle

I started attending art workshop, nya ~
Our first class was visit to Alegorija i Arkadija, I must say, beautiful exhibition. I wish I could write  more, but even my engrish is failing me, I can't wait for this week to be over  *too much work*.

Good night ~

25 November 2013

Caturday Challenge #2 - Closed

The second Caturday Challenge is officially closed. Congratulations to Kaylanna and Puru for great and very funny comics!
Here are the completed challenges:
 Kaylanna (cat and food): The Food Chain
Puru (cat and cloud)
And here is my punishment for not doing the assignment:
Thank you all for your effort, and see you next week, when the third CC will be opened by Kaylanna.

24 November 2013

Day 22-23: 24-hour comic and CC

As I said, I was attending 24-hour comic this weekend.
Here are some photos ~ I'll probably color it and redo some pages.

Regarding the event; man, I'm not sure if I'm gonna do this again, maybe from home. It's an great experience and it is fun to be surrounded by all those artsy-comic people, to eat mega delicious pies (seriously, best ever) but that period from 3am to 6am was torture. I still have headache.

...aaaand those pies will possible be the reason for me to come back, who am I kidding  :D

And of course, there is never enough comics here is the CC.
You don't need 24 hours, 4 minutes are ok.

Day 23: My Caturday challenge comic: The Food Chain

That is how you lure them in. :D

Thank you Cornucopia, this challenge brought a smile to my face.

Day 22: Caturday scribbling

Black cat, white bowtie.

23 November 2013

Caturday Challenge #2

Hello! Welcome to the second Caturday Challenge!

This week's theme of CC is...


You'll use your skills to make a short comic. The theme of the comic will be a combination of two words...  The first word is of my choice - and I say ...CAT! Yes, cat. This is a Caturday Challenge, after all.
The second word is picked at random for each one of us from these 10 words :angel, space, ninja, cloud, food, sand, washing-machine, fatness, bees, doll.
And the combinations drawn are:

Kaylanna : cat and food
Puru: cat and cloud
Cornucopia: cat and doll

If not satisfied, the artist can add another word from the list above, but the initial combination must stay.(I.E. cat + cloud + sand in Puru,s combination)

Deadline: 24.11.2013, 23:30
The punishment for not finishing the assignment is to draw one hundred cats in different poses and expressions on A4 paper. 
Let the Caturday Challenge begin!


Didn't draw much today, was finishing up some college stuff.  I am so tired and sleepy.

ALSOOOOO, I GOT A NEW LAPTOP TODAAAAAY! *wibbles and wobbles in amazement*

Day 21: Jellyfish doodles

Fridaay (Caturday, tho)!
I'll  post day 22 and 23 together because tomorrow I'm attending 24 hour comic.

Sooo.... I should probably get some sleep. 

19 November 2013

Day 3: Bizarre plant doodle

I decided to draw this strange plant beside me while I was taking a break from work.
I'll try to put more effort in tomorrow's art.

Day 17: No drawings

Lazyyy Monday.

Day 2: Nothing today

Here is nothing from me.

Day 17: Lazy ass Monday

I forgot to scan doodles I did yesterday.
I won't leave you empty hands tho - here ya go, a nice comic for your afternoon tea.

18 November 2013

17 November 2013

Caturday Challenge #1 - Closed

I officially proclaim our first Caturday Challenge closed ~

Here are our entries:


Kaylanna will have the honor of drawing the image of shame.

Good luck!

Cornucopia will post next theme following Caturday, until then, ~ doodle awaaay!

Day 16: CC done!

Whee! No Bella and Edward smooching love for me.
It took around one hour - I had quite busy day... doin' this and that.

The pokemon is Kadamar, fusion between Kadabra and Magmar.

Day 1: CC complete!

Cudeen: Pokemon fusion of Cubone and Goldeen.
This took about 2 hours of my time. Maybe less, because I didn't read the instructions carefully!
Nevertheless, it was very fun working on this challenge and I look forward to the next one! :) 

Day 15: I see your souuuuul

My hand is not listening me tonight, so here is one monster from this morning. 

Chocolate count: 0

16 November 2013

Day 15: Cat in a box

Now I drew an owl cat. *gasp*

Reference:  nyaaa!

Chocolate count: 2

Day 14: Friday the 15th

Fridays are cursed! Again, no drawing.

Chocolate count: 2

Caturday Challenge #1

Good morning and welcome to the first Caturday Challenge!

The first theme of CC is *drums*


Following pokemons are random, so blame the destiny for Magikarp.

Kaylanna: http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/90/105
Cornucopia: http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/104/118
Puru: http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/64/126

Deadline: 17.11. 23:30
The punishment for not finishing the assignment is to draw the following scene: Smooches.

Day 14: Cat doodles

Bad time management day again.

14 November 2013

Day 12: Is is an owl?

I started drawing cats (I'm planning to start a project, wuu hu, day 12!) but I guess it wasn't my cat day. They're a bit owlish, eh? Anyways, prepare for cats. Cat.


Chocolate count: 0

13 November 2013

Day 12: Speedpainting 1

I have followed Goro Fujita's advice and limited my speedpainting to 1 hour. I have also stopped using the eyedropper tool for color picking.

This is my first try, and although I am not really pleased with the result, it doesn't look half as bad as I thought it would. I wonder how speedpainting 30 will look.

Also, this drawing is based on this wonderful scene from "Howl's Moving Castle". Puru is using the same reference for her crazy giant painting. Can't wait to see how that one turns out!

Song status: 

Chocolate count: 1

Day 11: Meeting Doodle

Chocolate count: 0

12 November 2013

Day 11: Practicing nekkid ladies

This was supposed to be a practice of precision, but turned into a sketching/anatomy practice.
Song status: Haven't heard this one in a while: 

Day 10: No drawing day

Didn't feel much like drawing.

Chocolate count: 1

10 November 2013

09 November 2013

Day 8: Tea Party

I started to work with oil colors! Man, I'll never say a word of complaint again regarding the photoshop coloring.

Many thanks to Dino, who offered to help me with my studies and invited me to work in his studio and use his stuff.... and things.

Chocolate count: 0

Day 7: Chocolate for you

I didn't draw anything today. *hides*

Chocolate count: 1

07 November 2013

Day 6: BFF

Chocolate count: 0

Day 5: Space day

Drawing status: Figuring out some timey wimey stuff.
Introduction status: ...
Song status: 

Chocolate count: 0

06 November 2013

Day 5: donk!


Chocolate count: 0

Day 4: Decay day

Concrete and decaaaay.

Used a friend's photo as reference.

Drawing status: Perspective. Ungh.
Introduction status: I will introduce myself. Totally will.
Song status: 

Chocolate count: 0